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strange city's Mar. 28th, 2017|05:43 pm

jau savaites piecas neesmu ielūkojies stellārajā kalendārā, bet ir iekšķīga pārliecība, ka acumirklī retrōdegradē jauns mēness. kas saskaņā ar dažlabu domu skolām nozīmē nelabvēlīgu ietekmi un drīzāk proponē sabatu savaites vidū. bet es vakar ieliku simtiem sēkuļu valgā miklumā, piena ceļa miglājā. tas vispār, es kaucik ceru, kozmiskajam saprātam varētu būt neaptverami, ar kādu hujņu mēs te nodarbojamies.

I am myself - and sky and the moon
Nude, happy moon,
Long road, - that is not mine.
After me - torched the city's,
Silly, strange, - city's,
There I was loved, but it's not me
Oh-oh-oh - zona ...
Waiting tensely, zone of native...
I am myself - and sky and the moon
Nude, happy moon,
Long road, - unknown to me.
Ground - grabs me the my legs
Nude, hard ground,
Slowly loved, - to chew of me.
And the like dust was flying in the clouds
My wings to broke of the clouds
Long road, - unknown to me.
Oh-oh-oh - zona ...
Expects intense, zone of hopeless.
I am myself - and sky and the moon
Nude, happy moon,
I fly somewhere, - but this not me
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