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anarchoseawhoresism Mar. 14th, 2017|02:49 pm

ar visbladīlielāko prieku pārkāpjot neskaitāmus autōrtiesību pankus, citēšu pirmo bezjēdzību, kas nodrukāta trūcīgā fontā ar milzīgu ledingu. jeb līdingu, kā saka līvi kopš 90to sākuma.
žēlka blīdingu nesauc par bledingu, bet nu nevar prasīt, lai alnis vienlaikus ir briedis un ziemsvētku eglīte.

Chapter 6 (īvil čapster, tulkotāja piezīme)

Selling your seahorses.

This is the sad part, and also exciting part. You have sucessfully (1 pc c faithfully omitted by tulkotājs) raised your seahorses, you have probably kept some, and now you can not justify any more tanks in the house so you have to part with a few.

The thing I must mention here is the Pet Shop License. Everyone selling seahorses must have a license. They are easy enough to obtain from your local council, and then once you are properly registered with the authorities you can advertise your seahorses and sell them.

The Government (that G ain't mine, sorry, me 'gain) would also be interested in any profits you make from a taxation point of view, so do keep good records.

Šitā izniekot papīru. Kambļaģ sūdzēties?! Kofijs Annans ar' jau noteikti penzijā. no otras puses - tur starp tām rindiņām ir pulka vietas, kur patrenēties zīmēt tos sirmos zirdziņus.
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