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new, improved aids Mar. 6th, 2017|12:42 pm

rokoties pa pubertātes laika rādžiņu archīviem, uzdooros savdabīgai reklāmai.
1983. gada pavasaris. maija mēnesis. tas pats, kurā žurnāls Science divos neatkarīgos pētījumos ķipa izvirzīta un pierādīta hipotēze par to, ka HIV izraisa AIDu.

Looking forward to the summer holidays?
Put on a few extra pounds over the winter?
– Why not start shaping up now with
New, Improved AIDS?
The only natural way to lose that weight successfully is to eat less.
AIDS are unique & they let you eat a normal diet! They help re-train your appetite, so you simply eat less. Try
New, Improved AIDS
as part of your calory-controlled diet!
AIDS – from Boots & leading chemists everywhere.

Shape up, shape up
with AIDS today –
they help you lose wight
the natural way!

yeah, words don't cumeasy. we're counting on you.

es tikmēr šķirstu bērklijas propesōra, kontrarijāņa un AIDS hipotēzes apšaubītāja Pītera Dūsberga slaidšovu,$bnAIDSQuiz.pdf , un klausos tālāk zviedzīgas 80-to rādiōaktīvās reklāmas.
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