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personificēts haoss Jun. 14th, 2016|02:42 pm

vakar Bolderājas Gruzōnā ar prieku noskatījos studentu bakalaura darbu, īsfilmu Pēteris.


kā man visvairāk pietrūkst tēvzemes sociālajā mākslā un bez kā es īsti nespēju iedomāties veiksmīgu tautas to pašu vēžu un dažādo kulīšu veiksmīgu terapiju?
viena gruntīga kōmiķa. ākstu ir daudz, nestrīdos, bet normāla klauna neviena.

lielais cibas dievs, ar visiem lielajiem burtiem - tā es vismaz reizi gadā buros – lūdzu atsūti mums vienu pašu Vili Hiksu, kaut vai maziņu mazītiņu. viss velti.

un, lūk, vakar es ieraudzīju pagaidām tuvāko savam ideālam – jau minēto Pēteri Cedriņu. vienīgi, nu, atkal tie divi sūda gadi, kas viņam esot atlikuši…

jābrauc uz Kalteni, Munameģis pagaidīs.

iekopēšu jums Bila Hiksa atvadu vēstuli nedēļu pirms aiziešanas, savā 33. ziemā – īsu cēvē, mesidžu nākotnei proverbiālajā pudelē.

I was born William Melvin Hicks on December 16, 1961 in Valdosta, Georgia. Ugh. Melvin Hicks from Georgia. Yee Har! I already had gotten off to life on the wrong foot. I was always "awake," I guess you'd say. Some part of me clamoring for new insights and new ways to make the world a better place. All of this came out years down the line, in my multitude of creative interests that are the tools I now bring to the Party. Writing, acting, music, comedy. A deep love of literature and books. Thank God for all the artists who've helped me. I'd read these words and off I went – dreaming my own imaginative dreams. Exercising them at will, eventually to form bands, comedy, more bands, movies, anything creative. This is the coin of the realm I use in my words – Vision. On June 16, 1993 I was diagnosed with having "liver cancer that had spread from the pancreas." One of life's weirdest and worst jokes imaginable. I'd been making such progress recently in my attitude, my career and realizing my dreams that it just stood me on my head for a while. "Why me!?" I would cry out, and "Why now!?" Well, I know now there may never be any answers to those particular questions, but maybe in telling a little about myself, we can find some other answers to other questions. That might help our way down our own particular paths, towards realizing my dream of New Hope and New Happiness. Amen. I left in love, in laughter, and in truth and wherever truth, love and laughter abide, I am there in spirit.
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