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Jan. 26th, 2016|09:42 pm

pagaidām Grungtepas KingKongā mans mīļākais varonis ir khmēru pareģis (futurolōgs).

When I make to leave he grabs my arm and stares into my eyes. “You smoke weed, don’t you?”
“Ah, a little.”
“No, a lot. But probably not enough. Next time you smoke, get really, really stoned, then meditate on desolation. Concentrate on the most unpleasant death you can think of, then how it will be at the end, when you realize there never was a heaven or a morality and every single little thing you did to make your life and the world better was a total waste of time.”
“Why are you so hung up on desolation?”
“It’s where the treasure is hidden.”
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