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eins, cvaj, poļicaj Nov. 10th, 2015|09:42 am

iekopēju purnu bukā

To Commissioner Andriukaitis, Health & Food Safety,

Laba diena!

I am actually not appealing to You as a Commisar or Tzar, or any other such nonsense, I'm just too old to believe in the supremacy of some people over others – so, legally You're off the hook and can safely ignore this message.

But if You care to listen to what a Latvian brother would like to say to his Lithuanian Broliukas, by all means, carry on reading. I'll make it brief.

These days we are all (being) terrified by the idea that we might actually experience war on our lands. I pray to Perkūnas and other Gods that it never happens, but at the same time I'd like to point out that War is already going on, poisoning our soils, our waters, our food and, indeed, our very selves. It's not driven by tanks or missiles, rather by sheer profit and supernational corporations (not unlike military wars, ay?).

I urge you, in a spare moment – if not this year, maybe in a few – when visiting your birth-place: hug a tree and ask it for directions. And beg Your land for forgiveness.

As for me, I forgive You, as You might not know what You've been doing. But I refuse to become a GMO (glyphosate modified organism) easily. And I will do whatever little I can to make Monsanto stand guilty for geocide and genocide. Including this silly letter that will probably get lost in the digital underbelly of Your inbox.

Be well and be outside the box!
Jānis Š.
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