木 ([info]dombrava) wrote on February 22nd, 2018 at 08:13 pm
Zaļā krāsa sapnī
"Green is commonly associated with nature, mother earth, good health, growth, fertility, healing, vitality, and serenity. Green is often associated with personal growth, new development in the dreamer’s personality, and healing. Many dreamers may also associate green with a traffic light, making green a symbol telling them to go or allowing them to make a move. Green may represent being new to something or lacking experience.

Green, especially dark green, is sometimes associated with money (especially for Americans since that's the color of their currency), wealth, materialism, deceit, greed, and envy.

Eastern religions associate olive green with natural wisdom, achieving peace within one’s environment, and Zen.

Green is also associated with the fourth chakra. This chakra is associated with love, compassion, and healing. Dreaming of this color may either mean the dreamer has a strong drive to help others and is socially connected or is overextended and taking care of others' needs at the expense of their own."

Un vēl - http://globe-views.com/dreams/green.html

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