木 ([info]dombrava) wrote on July 4th, 2017 at 03:18 am
Zombiji II
"Depression can be so disabiling, you have absolutely no energy to think, move, sleep, or take the medicine needed to get well. Depression feels like falling into a 30-foot deep grave and realizing there is no way out and that it's never going to end. It is a devastating mental, emotional, and physical hell, comparable to becoming a zombie, one of the living dead. Depression is like the death of your spirit; leaving you feeling like an empty corpse with all hope lost forever. Left untreated, the illness can get progressively worse. Your mind can then be dragged through the very gates of insanity where the voices of hell, frightening apparitions, bizarre delusions, and reality becomes an endless looney tune show playing out in your head and all around you. The mental, emotional and spiritual torment can become so overwhelming, suicide seems like a friend and a welcome way out. All the while, your loved ones may be wondering why you can't get out of bed." - Kevin Williams, bipolar sufferer
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