木 ([info]dombrava) wrote on February 25th, 2020 at 11:30 am
Par pieņemšanu
"Imagine that you are trying to dance with someone, but every time you tried to come close and grab their hands, they swatted you away. If you continued to try to dance with them, this would be resisting resistance. Instead, imagine that there is an invisible shield that they have erected between you and them and you need to talk with them directly about that shield first to learn why it’s there and what you need to do for it to not be there, before you every start trying to dance with them. This should be your strategy for communication.

Continuing to use this analogy, drawing the person’s attention to this shield helps them to become aware. It causes them to introduce awareness to their own resistance and this is what begins corroding it, like a light beam shining on a sheet of ice. This is the necessary step to take for acceptance to occur.

Acceptance is the opposite of denial and avoidance. To accept is to recognize something as valid or correct. Doing this makes your being consent to receiving it and digesting it as truth instead of fighting to not acknowledge it and not take it in. Acceptance has nothing to do with condoning something or condemning something. It has nothing to do with whether you want to change something or not. It is simply about being able to acknowledge something as valid enough to let that acknowledgement in, instead of fight to keep it out.

Become aware of what pain or painful changes they are trying to avoid by not seeing, feeling, hearing and accepting certain things. Become aware of the painful meaning they are adding to those certain realities that they don’t want to see."
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