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there are no worms in the lungs

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pep talk [21. Feb 2013|20:23]
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I really feel like talking to someone, but in the same time I realise that I am too full of shit for someone to want to talk with me. How did I get there?
Did I wanted to be decent person too much, that I lost myself? Myself, that so much people used to love?
It's so hard to want to reveal to someone with who you have never even had a sincere chat. It's so hard to want to meet and unburden yourself to someone who you are not supposted to even talk anymore. It's funny that the people you thought matter the least, you'll miss the most.
Lately, my stomach hurts from the dislike I feel for myself. And again - I have no time to talk with people with who I enjoy to talk, and yet I have no ability to "take the old me back".
I admire people who can do the same for long time with enthusiasm. Even if it's shit.
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