Noskatījos pagaidām šī gada labāko filmu, kuru iesaku ikvienam. Saturīgs sižets un aktierspēle. Dziļa tēlu psiholõģija un labs tās attēlojums...

Daži komentāri par filmu:
I't so utterly bad it will make your eyes bleed. After watching it I would probably enjoy masturbating with a cheese-grater more than watching this utter pile of demon-crap.
The cunt that wrote this film should have his writing hand crushed and then sewn deep up into his arse.
Could not manage more than 4 minutes...
Katrā ziņā, ir jārīko turnīrs, kurš ilgāk spēs skatīties šo filmu. MUST SEEEEEE!
The cunt that wrote this film should have his writing hand crushed and then sewn deep up into his arse.
Could not manage more than 4 minutes...
Katrā ziņā, ir jārīko turnīrs, kurš ilgāk spēs skatīties šo filmu. MUST SEEEEEE!