July 20th, 2007

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gada pilsonis 2022!


July 20th, 2007


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Dažreiz rodas sajūta, ka krievu tūristiem un atpūtniekiem tiek izdalītas šādas lapiņas (diemžēl nemāku kirlicu lai to uzrakstītu)-

Laipni lūgti pie Baltijas jūras
Lūdzam aiz sevis nokopt atkritumus un dabiskās vajadzības kārtot jūrā

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Kas tie par idiotiem, kas nakts vidū nozog sēnes, kas aug pie mājas???

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Es saprotu, ka tas ir ūber labi u.t.t.Bet es NEGRIBU braukt uz Somiju lai skatītos ralliju.Ralliji mani neinteresē!Un lai es brauktu kopā ar radagabalu, ar kuru man gandrīz nemaz nav kontakts.Nesaku, ka gribu palikt mājās un sēdēt pie kompja cauras dienas...Bet es labāk braucu uz jūru pie [info]blonda_meitenes...Nevis ceļoju mašīnā līdz Somijai...Vel tālāk uz ziemeļiem...Vel bremzētāki cilvēki...

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Patiesība ir nākusi gaismā!!!

Aj lāājk...

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You are The Devil

Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession

The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

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