Kā iesākt doktora disertāciju |
[10. Dec 2009|01:50] |
Hello, my name is Kent Hovind. I am a creation/science evangelist. I live in Pensacola, Florida. I have been a high school science teacher since 1976. [..] It is my burning desire to help Christians get back to a simple faith in God's Word. Satan's method has always been to instill doubt in God's Word.
Kenta Hovinda disertācija (1991), paldies WikiLeaks Īstais prieks un laime gan sākas, kad nonākam pie argumentācijas.
noziegums un sods |
[10. Dec 2009|16:56] |
After his lawyer reached a plea bargain agreement with Oklahoma City prosecutors for a thirty-year prison sentence for two charges of shooting with intent to kill and one weapons violation, for example, Eric James Torpy insisted that he would rather get thirty three years to match the uniform number of his basketball hero, Larry Bird. The judge in the case was quoted as saying that ‘‘We accommodated his request and he was just as happy as he could be’’.
David Boonin. The Problem of Punishment, Cambridge University Press, 2008, p. 10. |