my hovercraft is full of eels - 13. Decembris 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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13. Decembris 2008

ruin value (Ruinewert) [13. Dec 2008|04:45]
"Nuremberg was to be the site of many more official Nazi buildings, most of which were never built; for example, the German Stadium would have accommodated 400,000 spectators, while an even larger rally ground would have held half a million Nazis. While planning these structures, Speer invented the concept of "ruin value"—that major buildings should be constructed in such a way that they would leave aesthetically pleasing ruins for thousands of years into the future."

(No raksta par Špēru)
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pēcnāves estētika [13. Dec 2008|05:51]
Pēc atbrīvošanas Špērs esot anonīmi ziedojis lielus līdzekļus ebreju labdarības iestādēm. Ruinewert?
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