reliģiskais moments - November 23rd, 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
reliģiskais moments

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November 23rd, 2023

[Nov. 23rd, 2023|12:36 pm]
Across cultures and traditions, there have always been those that speak with the dead, hear voices, enter states of oracular trance, and receive visions of what is to come. Such sensitivity, traditionally, is common. For most of human history, the people that received such visions lived right at the center of culture.

But what happens when the seer is ripped from the ecology in which they traditionally lived? The intuitive is cast out, othered, vilified, and pathologized. Cast aside, relegated to the margins of society, without the context that once held it, oracular seeing can veer into charlatanry and delusion.

So these days visions — like everything else in the modern world — are immediately monetized, translated into marketable pop-spirituality and much of the mastery and depth of visionary tradition is lost. But what this points to isn’t something “wrong” with intuition or the practice of oracular vision — it points to something wrong with modernity’s relationship with it.

(Josh Schrei kā parasti visu saliek pa vietām - ļoti iesaku jaunāko "The Emerald Podcast"
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