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?style=mine - Your personal Last.fm taste in music and your open mind index [jaunākie raksti|arhīvs|draugi|pa mani]

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Your personal Last.fm taste in music and your open mind index [8. Nov 2007|01:02]
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saiteMan ir ko teikt

[User Picture]
Date:8. Novembris 2007 - 10:02
Heh, kaa atshkjiras "Hip-Hop" no "hip hop"? :))
[User Picture]
Date:8. Novembris 2007 - 17:59
tie pirmie māk rakstīt, otri nē :))
[User Picture]
Date:8. Novembris 2007 - 11:36
Nē, vienkārši reliģiskā mūzika ir other. :)
[User Picture]
Date:8. Novembris 2007 - 19:56
hmm.. cik es apskatījos Afganistānā un Vatikānā topā patreiz ir Radiohead