She's a Witch
02 Jūlijs 2020 @ 19:51
nozagts no pinteresta  
Dzejolis par mani jeb sajūta, ka man radniecīga dvēsele šo ir uzrakstījusi <3 Skaisti! 

Bookshelf heart by Erin Hanson

"She has a bookshelf for a heart,
And ink rules through her veins,
She'll write you into her story,
With typewriter in her brain,
Her bookshelf's getting crowded,
With all the stories that she's penned,
Of those people who flicked through her pages,
But closed the book before the end,
And there's one pushed to the very back,
That sits collecting dust,
With its title in her finest writing,
"The Ones Who Lost My Trust",
There's  books she's scared to open,
And books she doesn't close,
Stories of every person she's met,
Stretched out in endless rows,
Some people have only sentence,
While others once held a main part,
Thousands of inky footprints,
That they've left across her heart,
You might wonder why she does this,
Why write of people she once knew?
But she hopes one day she'll mean enough,
For someone to write about her too."

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Jūtos: buzzing
She's a Witch
03 Maijs 2020 @ 00:34
I'm damaged ass person, but I still pass out love like my pain doesn't exist
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Jūtos: Sleepy
She's a Witch
24 Februāris 2017 @ 10:38
Sons of Anarchy.  
Lai cik sākumā likās neinteresants seriāls.
Šis seriāls man iespieda dziļas pēdas krūtīs.
žēl, ka agrāk nezināju/neskatījos, bet nu
katram savs laiks, sava vieta.