kas par dienu |
[24. Apr 2010|22:23] |
[ | Mūzika |
| | Michael & Janet Jackson - Scream | ] | still sick.
Norunāju ar Key 20 min pa telefonu 5min par Mr.Lovekiss 10 min par seksu 5 min par gejiem. un visp šodien nerunāju es, bet mani hormoni. man ir TIIK daudz enerģijas. varētu vnk iet ārā un kliegt. do I Need like a fuck buddy or smt;D ahh, nespēju noticēt, ka to saku.
tam pat ir skaidrojums;D
- Term used for sexual partners that regularly
engage in sexual activities with each other, but do not share the usual
emotional attachment of a standard boyfriend/girlfriend relationship (or
boyfriend/boyfriend, or girlfriend/girlfriend, etc. etc.).
2.friends with benefits
3.There are different views on fuck buddies. It
sounds bad but there is alot more to it! Usually involves the other two
liking each other just knowing they cant work. As in relationships
everyone acts different. Sp they just play around with each other and
fun with their time.
Hey are you and him going out i mean you to are all
over each other!
No, we just like fuck buddies! We just have fun together!
