Oktobris 9., 2006
coda | 01:10 - but there's a whole universe out there! - the only universe i have is my eyes and my ears ~ pakratu ābolu un viņš grab iekšā iespējams, to var norakstīt uz "vakaru, kad viss ir smieklīgs", bet man šķiet, ka tas mani sajūsminātu jebkurā dienas laikā. gluži kā Dievu
"Pussy not eat his fish, pussy get thin and waste away, I think," said the man. Doubt crept into his voice.
"I imagine this is what will happen," he said, "but how can I tell?"
He proffered the fish again.
"Pussy think," he said, "eat fish or not eat fish. I think it is better if I don't get involved." He sighed.
"I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet, so who am I to judge?"
He left the fish on the floor for the cat, and retired to his seat.
"Ah, I seem to see you eating it," he said at last, as the cat exhausted the entertainment possibilities of the speck of dust and pounced on to the fish.
"I like it when I see you eat the fish," said the man, "because in my mind you will waste away if you don't."
He picked up from the table a piece of paper and the stub of a pencil. He held one in one hand and the other in the other, and experimented with the different ways of bringing them together. He tried holding the pencil under the paper, then over the paper, then next to the paper. He tried wrapping the paper round the pencil, he tried rubbing the stubby end of the pencil against the paper and then he tried rubbing the sharp end of the pencil against the paper. It made a mark, and he was delighted with the discovery, as he was every day. He picked up another piece of paper from the table. This had a crossword on it. He studied it briefly and filled in a couple of clues before losing interest.
He tried sitting on one of his hands and was intrigued by the feel of the bones of his hip.
The door opened.
"Hello?" said the man.
"Ah, excuse me," said Zarniwoop, "I have reason to believe ..."
"Do you rule the Universe?" said Zaphod.
The man smiled at him.
"I try not to," he said, "Are you wet?"
Zaphod looked at him in astonishment.
"Wet?" he cried, "Doesn't it look as if we're wet?"
"That's how it looks to me," said the man, "but how you feel about it might be an altogether different matter. If you feel warmth makes you dry, you'd better come in."
They went in.
They looked around the tiny shack, Zarniwoop with slight distaste, Trillian with interest, Zaphod with delight.
"Hey, er ..." said Zaphod, "what's your name?"
The man looked at them doubtfully.
"I don't know. Why, do you think I should have one? It seems very odd to give a bundle of vague sensory perceptions a name."
"No, listen to me," said Zarniwoop, "people come to you do they? In ships ..."
"I think so," said the man. He handed the bottle to Trillian.
"And they ask you," said Zarniwoop, "to take decisions for them? About people's lives, about worlds, about economies, about wars, about everything going on out there in the Universe?"
"Out there?" said the man, "out where?"
"Out there!" said Zarniwoop pointing at the door.
"How can you tell there's anything out there," said the man politely, "the door's closed."
ps. ir 7:17 un tas ābols joprojām grab, un es joprojām priecājos :)