Jūnijs 7., 2005
22:22 - atskaņas was ich haben will ist nie was ich bekomme was ich haben will ist was ich will nicht haben Stolz ist das gut oder schlimm?
23:04 - white stripes - red rain You think not telling is the same as not lying, don't you?
Then I guess not feeling is the same as not crying to you..
And if there is a lie, then there is a liar, too
And if there is a sin, then there is a sinner, too
man ir tāda sajūta, ka es tagad varēju salikt 2/3 visu
waitstraipu tekstu te... džeks Vaits šajā ziņā ir paģeniāls..........
viņam ir lielisks kontakts ar manu tumšāko pusi.
carry my obituary.