Par Koku Uz Kalna - 7. Jūnijs 2005

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Jūnijs 7., 2005

22:22 - atskaņas
was ich haben will ist nie was ich bekomme
was ich haben will ist was ich will nicht haben
ist das gut oder schlimm?
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(3 did not forget to do the most radical thing | i wanna be radical!)

23:04 - white stripes - red rain
You think not telling is the same as not lying, don't you?
Then I guess not feeling is the same as not crying to you..

And if there is a lie, then there is a liar, too
And if there is a sin, then there is a sinner, too

man ir tāda sajūta, ka es tagad varēju salikt 2/3 visu waitstraipu tekstu te... džeks Vaits šajā ziņā ir paģeniāls.......... viņam ir lielisks kontakts ar manu tumšāko pusi.
carry my obituary.

(4 did not forget to do the most radical thing | i wanna be radical!)

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