Parunāties ar mēnesi

Aug. 25th, 2010 | 09:52 pm
music: Art Of Noise - Love

Among the flowers, with a whole pot of wine,
- A solitary drinker with no companions -
I raise my cup to invite the bright moon:
It throws my shadow
and makes us a party of three.

But moon
understands nothing of drinking,
And shadow
only follows me aimesly.
For the time
shadow and moon are my fellows,
Seizing happiness
while the Spring lasts.
I sing:
the moon sails lingeringly
I dance:
my shadow twirls and bobs about
As long as I'm sober, we all frolic together;
When I'm drunk, we scatter and part.
Let us seal for ever
this pasionless friendship -
Meet again
by the far-off River of Stars!

Drinking Alone Under the Moon
by Li Bai (Li Po) (701-62)

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