
S. P. about writing

Nov. 8., 2014 | 05:08 pm
No:: chrono

Academics typically write in Postmodern or Self-conscious style, in which "The writer's chief, if unstated, concern is to escape being convicted of philosophical naivete about his own enterprise." ..

.. And it is of course not only in the academical circles, e.g.

When corporate consultant was asked about what he does for the living by a journalist, he answered, "I'm digital and social-media strategist. I deliver programs, products and strategies to our corporate clients across the spectrum of communications functions." When the journalist pressed him to say what he really did, he finally said, "I teach big companies how to use Facebook."

/Steven Pirkin -The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century.

Made my day.

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