Book of revelation, 4.
Aug. 15., 2013 | 07:03 pm
No:: chrono
In front of the throne and on each side of it there were four living things. [..] Day and night these living things never stop saying:
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God All-Powerfull. He always was, he is, and he is coming."
[..] And every time the living things do this, the 24 elders down bow before the One who sits on the throne. [..] The elders put their crowns before the throne and say:
"Our Lord and God! You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power. You made all things. Everything existed and was made because you wanted it."
Šo lasot, var saprast Sātanu. Dzīvot vienā platībā ar indivīdu, kuram vajag ko šādu, varētu būt samērā neizturami. Katrā ziņā, Bībele konceptam "dirsā līšana" ir iedevusi spārnus.
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God All-Powerfull. He always was, he is, and he is coming."
[..] And every time the living things do this, the 24 elders down bow before the One who sits on the throne. [..] The elders put their crowns before the throne and say:
"Our Lord and God! You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power. You made all things. Everything existed and was made because you wanted it."
Šo lasot, var saprast Sātanu. Dzīvot vienā platībā ar indivīdu, kuram vajag ko šādu, varētu būt samērā neizturami. Katrā ziņā, Bībele konceptam "dirsā līšana" ir iedevusi spārnus.