(bez virsraksta)
Apr. 12., 2012 | 10:14 pm
[..]This creation of new molecules has given us new materials such as plastics, new dyes to colour our clothes, new perfumes to wear, new drugs to cure diseases. Some people think that these activities are unnatural and their products dangerous or unwholesome. But these new molecules are built by humans from other molecules found on earth using the skills inherent in our natural brains. Birds build nests; man makes houses. Which is unnatural? To the organic chemist this is a meaningless distinction. There are toxic coumpunds and nutritious ones, stable compounds and reactive ones - but there is only one type of chemistry: it goes on both inside our brains and bodies and also in our flasks and reactors, born from the ideas in our minds and the skill in our hands. We are not going to set ourselves up as moral judges in any way. We believe it is right to try and understand the world about us as best we can and to use that understanding creatively.