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Been there, done that
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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Nu ko, mīlīši, 22. septembrī klāt būs nākamais laika aprijējs - NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2007 no SI.


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S.W.I.N.E. reborn
Šķiet top jauna augstākās raudzes ļevaja rezjba - hīts ar nosaukumu "Jagged Farm: Birth of a Hero". Acīmredzot iespaidojoties no S.W.I.N.E. (kas nav spēlējis - silti rekomendēju) pasenajiem panākumiem, puiši vārdā Game Factory Interactive (As a leading publishers in former Soviet Union, the publisher's main goal is bringing high quality game titles to market in ex-Soviet Union and East Europe.) veido stratēģiju par cūkām -

A realtime strategy game telling the story of Glukoza fighting against guileful pigs led by pigs’ Fuhrer called Pigius. They are dying to get the global hegemony. The girl in camouflage must reveal her strategic talent and stop them. The powerful Officers' game engine is used, with unique cartoon-styled graphics. Destroy all Schweine otherwise they destroy you!

Bildes šeit (brīdinu, širmi rauj nost ka maz neliekas).


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FIFA Manager 07
The new FIFA Manager 07 (due Nov. 2006) screens. Looks really sweet.


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Name: CapsLock
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