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Been there, done that - Vd
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 14. Februāris 2005 - 12:02 (Norāde uz piebildi)

Re: Perfect Love Song No.1:

Mans favorīts:

There’s a club, if you’d like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go, and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home, and you cry
And you want to die.
When you say it’s gonna happen now
Well, when exactly do you mean ?
See, I’ve already waited too long
And all my hope is gone.
You shut your mouth
How can you say
I go about things the wrong way ?
I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does.
fragonard From: [info]fragonard Date: 14. Februāris 2005 - 23:05 (Norāde uz piebildi)

Re: Perfect Love Song No.1:

pirmaa rindinja peec the smits izklausaas..taalaak gan lasiit negribas:) ira?
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 14. Februāris 2005 - 23:34 (Norāde uz piebildi)

Re: Perfect Love Song No.1:

ira :)
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Name: CapsLock
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