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Been there, done that - 22. Septembris 2006
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
ESPN does it again
James Mirtle kārtējo reizi ir pieķēris ESPN nedarbos (uzreiz, piebildīšu, viņiem šitais niķis ir raksturīgs jau krietni sen):

ESPN had former NHLer Harold Druken picking up an assist and one of the three star honours in a box score for last night's game.

The problem? Druken spent last season in Switzerland, hasn't played in the NHL in two years and isn't anywhere near any team's training camps this time around. In short, he wasn't playing in the game.

Still, a nice accomplishment.

Mūzika: Modern Talking - Send me a Letter form Heaven

Going postal
Lūk, pēc Enkura kolēģu lūguma sastādīju nelielu izlasīti par tēmu "pasts".
Playliste izskatās šāda )

Diezgan raibi, bez šaubām, bet samērā jautri. Tikai tagad ir "waily, waily, waily", gribu gulēt :)

Mūzika: R.E.M. - E-Bow the Letter

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