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Been there, done that - Komentāri
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
Going postal
Lūk, pēc Enkura kolēģu lūguma sastādīju nelielu izlasīti par tēmu "pasts".
Playliste izskatās
01. Dzeltenie pastnieki - Pastnieks trakais - 1:02
02. BI-2 - Polkovnjiku njekto nje pishet - 3:57
03. Blink 182 - Here's Your Letter - 2:55
04. The Beatles - Please, Mister Postman - 2:30
05. Prāta Vētra - Letters - 3:03
06. Easy Big Fella - Getting the Mail - 4:46
07. PJ Harvey - The Letter - 3:17
08. The Box Tops - The Letter - 1:52
09. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Love Letter - 4:02
10. They Might Be Giants - Letterbox - 1:21
11. Rasmus - Postman - 2:36
12. The Solitaires - Please Kiss the Letter - 2:49
13. Pixies - Letter to Memphis - 2:35
14. Voodoo Glow Skulls - Love Letter - 2:50
15. Elvis Presley - Love Letters - 2:50
16. Vladimir Visockij - Pismo v redakciju - 4:35
17. Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers - Postman - 3:45
18. The Cure - A Letter to Elise - 4:16
19. Modern Talking - Send me a Letter from Heaven - 3:53
20. Green Day - Letterbomb - 4:06
21. Ilmārs Dzenis - Vēstule no Sorento - 3:16
22. Derrick Morgan - Seven Letters - 3:09
23. The Presidents of the United States of America - Some Postman - 2:51
24. R.E.M. - E-Bow the Letter - 5:24

Diezgan raibi, bez šaubām, bet samērā jautri. Tikai tagad ir "waily, waily, waily", gribu gulēt :)


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