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Been there, done that - 1. Septembris 2005
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
Google Purge
Brilliant, tipiska antiutopija The Onion garā: Google Announces Plan To Destroy All Information It Can't Index.

Thanks to Google Purge, you'll never have to worry that your search has missed some obscure book, because that book will no longer exist. And the same goes for movies, art, and music.
Back to Maslovs
Nja, bet vispār scary un amazing - vērot, kā ekstremālās situācijās cilvēkiem uz sitiena pazūd viss, ar ko viņi tā lepojas - sauciet to par kultūru vai humanity, kā gribiet -, un notiek atgriešanās pie vecās, labās Maslova piramīdas pamatiem.

Es, protams, par Ņūorleānu )
Do you rock?
Burvīgs baneris: "We don't care if you're pretty. Do you rock?"

Mūzika: Asian Dub Foundation - Crash

Kas ir CapsLock
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Name: CapsLock
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Back Janvāris 2008
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