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Been there, done that - Komentāri
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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Nja, bet vispār scary un amazing - vērot, kā ekstremālās situācijās cilvēkiem uz sitiena pazūd viss, ar ko viņi tā lepojas - sauciet to par kultūru vai humanity, kā gribiet -, un notiek atgriešanās pie vecās, labās Maslova piramīdas pamatiem.

Es, protams, par .

Managers at a nursing home were prepared to cope with the power outages and had enough food for days, but then the looting began. The home's bus driver was forced to surrender the vehicle to carjackers. Bands of people drove by the nursing home, shouting to residents, "Get out!" Eighty residents, most of them in wheelchairs, were being evacuated to other nursing homes in the state.

Tenet Healthcare Corp. said late Wednesday that it would also evacuate one of its hospitals in Gretna after a supply truck carrying food, water, medical supplies and pharmaceuticals was held up by gunmen.

"It's really difficult because my opinion of the looting is it started with people running out of food, and you can't really argue with that too much," Nagin said. "Then it escalated to this kind of mass chaos."

New Orleans' homeland security chief, Terry Ebbert, said looters were breaking into stores all over town and stealing guns. He said there are gangs of armed men moving around the city. At one point, officers stranded on the roof of a hotel were fired at by criminals on the street.


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