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Been there, done that - on writing
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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on writing
"Worried you're not using the right words? Use simpler words. Worried that your sentence isn't clear? Make a simpler sentence. Worried that people won't see your point? Make your point simpler. Nearly every writing problem you have can be solved by making things simpler.

This should be obvious, but people don't like hearing it because there's the assumption that simple = stupid. But it's not true; indeed, I find from personal experience that the stupidest writers are the ones whose writing is positively baroque in form. All that compensating, you know. Besides, I'm not telling you to boil everything down to "see spot run" simplicity. I am telling you to make it so people can get what you're trying to say."

John Scalzi

Mūzika: Doreen Shaffer - Who's Gonna Love Me

prtg From: [info]prtg Date: 5. Marts 2006 - 22:06 (Norāde uz piebildi)
The author seems to be a bit desperate keeping up to his point ;)

Right combination? Let me see..

50% simplicity + 45% elegance + 5% of something very personal
From: [info]buka Date: 6. Marts 2006 - 12:36 (Norāde uz piebildi)
right to the point....
tikai piem taada lieta neiet cauri augstskolaa, jo "neesamtak pamatskolaa" lai juuzotu vienk teikumus...

btw kaa pa bezdarbniekiem untiem datorkursiem... :D
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 6. Marts 2006 - 20:47 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Paldies dievam tie nav datorkursi, datoru mācība ir tikai viens no priekšmetiem, un šonedēļ tikai četras lekcijas šamējā paredzētas :)
From: [info]buka Date: 7. Marts 2006 - 23:08 (Norāde uz piebildi)
nuu jau izklausaas kaa kkaadaa vidusskolaa or smth :D
kas ta ir tie paareejie priekshmeti, ja nau nosleepums?
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