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Been there, done that - open a bottle of beer with your penis
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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open a bottle of beer with your penis
Lielisku Viagras spamu tikko saņēmu (starp citu, noforwardējies man no martcore @ gamenet, lai jūs par mani slikti nepadomātu ;))
Jau virsraksts ir iedvesmojošs - With our new Viagra Soft Tabs you will be able to open a bottle of beer with your penis. Wow, nodomāju es, un .
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kosmonavtovich From: [info]kosmonavtovich Date: 22. Decembris 2005 - 19:35 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Bet kāpēc tās tabletes saucas `soft`?
Nevaru saprast, tiešām kaut nedaudz atbilstošāku nosaukumu nevarēja izdomāt. Kreativšķikus atlaist!
From: [info]pitchforks Date: 22. Decembris 2005 - 19:49 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Šitas biedējoši - You are a businessman and have no time for a long sexual stimulation.
vienna From: [info]vienna Date: 22. Decembris 2005 - 23:34 (Norāde uz piebildi)
dsc From: [info]dsc Date: 27. Decembris 2005 - 12:03 (Norāde uz piebildi)
labi, labi, man ar taad naak :DD (Nu jau tiku valjaa)... bet kaa man tikt no taa daarznieciibas spama nost??? (Varbuut kaadam vajag laapstas, kapljus vai spainjus no itaalijas?)
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