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Been there, done that - Pratchett
There's no way things should be, there's only what happens and what we do.
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Nu tā, Pračeta "A Hat Full of Sky" ir izlasīts. Laba, laba grāmata, Pračetam jau laikam vispār sliktu nav. Ne izcila, vienkārši laba. Varbūt nedaudz pārāk moralizējoša vietumis, bet sirsnīga pēc vella. Pie tam pēc dažiem tekstiem izklausās, ka Pračets ir nedaudz ietekmējies no Seta Godina ;)

'Get you mind right and you can make a stick your wand and the sky your hat and a puddle your magic... your magic... er, what're them fancy cups called?' 'Er... goblet,' said Tiffany. 'Right. Magic goblet. Things aren't important. People are.'

'Get your mind right, Miss Level, and the world is your... What's that thing, lives in sea, very small, folks eat it?' 'Shrimp?' 'Shrimp? All right. The world is your shrimp, Miss Level.'

'There's always a story. It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world.'

'With balloons, as with life itself, it is important to know when no to let go of the string. The whole point of balloons is to teach small children this.'

'You're sad, and behind that you're watching yourself being sad and thinking, Oh, poor me, and behind that you're angry with me for not going " There, there, poor dear."'

'Ah, weel, no man ken the workin's o' the female mind.'

'We can get in or oot o' anywhere. Except maybe pubs, which for some reason we ha' trouble leavin'.'

'I'm a witch you know. And if you don't stop struggling this minute I will subject you to the most dreadful torture. Do you know what it is? I'll let you go right now without giving you a taste of the twenty-year-old MacAbre sigle malt I have in my cupboard.' 'Ach, crivens, mistress, what a thing to taunt a body wi'! D'ye no' have a drop of mercy in you? Ye're a cruel hag ineed tae... Ach, crivens!'

Un, protams - 'There isn't a way things should be. There's just what happens, and what we do.'

(Nedaudz no Nac Mac Feegle vārdnīcas:

Crivens! - a general exclamation that can mean anything from 'My goodness!' to 'I've just lost my temper and there is going to be trouble.'

Scunner - a generally unpleasant person

Pished - I am assured that this means 'tired')

Mūzika: Hospitāļu Ielas - Pastaigāties

From: [info]gamemaster Date: 30. Jūlijs 2005 - 16:37 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Jā, Pračets ir britu ironijas meistars. Uz vienas pakāpes ar Dugalsu Adamsu. Tikai, ja Adams vienkārši ņirgājas par visu un visiem, tad Pračets ņirgājas ar domu vēl apakšā.
capslock From: [info]capslock Date: 30. Jūlijs 2005 - 16:48 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Pie tam ļoti humānistisku domu apakšā.
spilvens From: [info]spilvens Date: 31. Jūlijs 2005 - 14:39 (Norāde uz piebildi)
Es paaris Pracheta graamatinjas esmu lasiijusi krievu valodaa.
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