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Naivi, SuperDec. 20th, 2007 @ 12:42 pm
Mazās dāvanas nereti ir labākas par lielajām. Un tās pa vidu reti kad ir kas īpašs.
Current Mood: awake

qotdOct. 4th, 2007 @ 04:12 pm
varbūtr vnk redirektēt visus exploerer lietotāju uz mozillas lapu un miers
pateikt, your web-browser is not compatible with this webpage. please update to more heteresexual software
Current Mood: working
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NASASep. 19th, 2007 @ 08:52 am
Billions of dollars and still no Death Star.
Current Mood: giggly
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subjektīvās realitātes vingrinājumsSep. 17th, 2007 @ 07:45 pm
What seems to really help for me slip into that [subjective reality] state, is to see an object, and then pretend that my body-mind wasn't there to observe it - what awareness is left? Then try applying it to your own body-mind, pretend you aren't there to be aware of yourself.
Current Mood: busy
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evolutionJul. 19th, 2007 @ 03:34 pm
"Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable." -- Sir Arthur Keith
Current Mood: impressed
Other entries
» forever
Forever in internet time is "about two years".
» debate
Oh yeah, this is going to be a real mature debate.
Here, I'll save time.
"You're wrong. Exaggerated hyperbolic example that detracts from the conversation. Personal attack."
"Personal attack, non sequitur. No, You're wrong."
"Patronizing condescension. I can't be wrong. I am right and that's that."
"Nuh uh. Derailment of topic."
"Uh huh. Further derailment of topic."
"No. Here's how I'm right in the derailment and how I'm right in the general topic."
"You're wrong on all counts and ad hominem. Also, your mother."
"This is stupid. We're not getting anywhere. But I'm still right."
"Agreed. Except when you're wrong."
End of thread.

» Ģēnijs
Edge says:
davaj uztaisam naakotni taadu kaadu visi iedomaajas - neiedomaajamu!? sii ideja radaas nevis taapec, ka kaut kas ir jaaizdomaa bet gan taapeec ka vienreiz ejot sajutu ka taadam vajdzeetu buut..
audio field

» qotd
You should be shot. In the face. With a hammer.

» free lunch
No such thing as a free lunch? Yeah, sure there is. It's all a matter of perception. The clue is to actually believe that there can be a free lunch if you want it... then they'll show up. A good way to start is to buy somebody else lunch, so they have a free one. That starts the ball rolling...

» qotd
Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?
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