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Novembris 2005
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Who would have guessed it..yet another beautiful day has gone by...if you consider non-stop rain beautiful that is;P What ever happened to the weather? There's this really old song, the lyrics go along the lines of "just blame it on the weathermaaaaaan", hell yeah, i blame it on him, stupid little fucker. The only thing every single school kid in this country really anticipated during the whole fucking school year was summer. SUMMER not below zero temperature rainforest winds and showers! My computer is slower than a limp snail..if there even is such a thing.. I think i might just smash the computer screen any day now..the anger has been building up for weeks;D might as well let it all come out... No, bad idea, my parents would kill me..better do it to the lap-top;D

I'm chilling out...Baby bash reaaaaallyyy iiis good...mmm....Went on a date a few days ago..and that's mega progress for me, considering that dating is my least favourite free time activity.. I dunno why, but i've never seen the thrill....i mean, what's the point of looking pretty and pretending to be cooler than you are..and you usually just manage quite the contrary anyway-you either seem to stuck up, fed up, or just arrogant..jeez.. why can't that dating stage just be avoided.. Don't get me wrong, i love spending time with the oppossite (is it double "s"?) sex and all but i can't stand all the shit that comes along with it..i hate not being myself..pretending to be different..but you can't do without it..and that SUCKS:(


Do any of you guys believe in destiny? Cuz i'm starting to... A few things have happened recently..just out of the blue..and they're not even least not in a clearly visible way..won't make sense if i start writing about it here...but there are some coincidences..that are well....WAY too coincidental to be considered coincidences;D


ČAu! Kas tad tev pēdējā laikā ir noticis, ja sāc domāt par likteni utt? :)

nju ok... tiekamies 4dien 14:00 skolaaa, manu meilu tacu sanemi?