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[Feb. 28th, 2022|12:51 pm]
LT valodaa 'bauda' noziimee 'naudas sods'.
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[Feb. 22nd, 2022|10:58 pm]
Ciba (and all social media) seems quite disgusting in the light of all the ripping apart it does (like the splitting of logs - the sinews of wood like cooked chicken meat). Do you remember when you could argue in person and then make it up a week or so later? You wouldn't sulk over a paragraph for a year or two - and wait too late to make it up in gross negligence of all those decades where weekends or evenings or afternoons would be the flicker and ticks of time. I mean look at the photos if you are so blasted in the head - all the mutual growing up of our children - all those birthdays, and names days and various pagan festivities, and gigs, and trips, and other assorted meetings in the flesh, and soul.

The Long Village, where we spent so many times, always reminded me of an Earth setting of Solaris, and all the tales of the academic set in the times before I set foot here (wild 90s/substance abuse/intellectual and physical battering of what was present) added to a feeling of a tribe foreign but alluring, and it was always quite charming when I was warmly tolerated - the beat of actual life (I mean the shared domestic wonder of growing children of the same age) hewing something permanent out of the stone of an awkward, unintelligent foreigner.

In as much as this is the apocalypse, we can now see the moneyed shake of fist (or sleight of hand) of those who would assemble our points of view (however intelligently held - and by that I mean 'lightly'). I knew them, and we looked at each other and reciprocated our understanding of each other's rationality and intelligence and experience. Loosely and grotesquely speaking, we understood that movement was there to prevent a corrupt oligarch manipulating the tauta with the cringe of some populist uneducated risible huinja while they lined their pockets. We would never talk about anything like that directly, but it was everywhere understood. We were the good guys and girls. It is disgusting to point something like this out in light if what happened, but really it might explain why there is so much 'othering' or what I would call mental breakdown occurring - both here and to a lesser extent in the real world. The real world where we live and die too soon. Where we are so horrified and insulted, we forget the soul of our time together.

Labs ir. I will miss you. You were just wonderful.
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[Feb. 10th, 2022|05:00 pm]
taas pagaatnes dienas - aiz bezdibena
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Blighty [Feb. 9th, 2022|03:24 pm]
Watched West Ham last night and was confused with the booing of Kurt Zouma. "Oh he kicked his cat" said my middle one. "Do you want to see?" I didn't want to cos I am a bit squeamish, but she thrust the evidence in my face.

I swear England and the English are having an orchestrated nervous breakdown - their outrage variously encouraged or discouraged. Like all the talking heads being angry at Johnson for alluding to Starmer not prosecuting high-level pedo rings. Mental.
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[Jan. 28th, 2022|12:25 pm]
Nuu tikko bija pie mums: divas dienas gultaa. Treshajaa dienaa bija iespejams straadaat un iet pastaigaaties ar suni. Jaunaakajai meitai izgaaja ljoti viegli. Padeels slimoja vienu dienu (ar +ve majas testu bet ar diviem -ve PCR testiem). Dzeks ir vesels, bet tagad nevar straadaat liidz 6 Feb. Vel divas buutnes majas nav spejushas to sakert par spiti tam, ka guleeju ar vienu no vinjaam. Protams abaam ir karantiinaa.

Kaut kas shajaa vissaa neiet kopaa.
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labriit [Jan. 18th, 2022|11:02 am]
Doing a gig in the local arts centre, I was beating something out in 4/4 time with this chick on guitar. It was trance like, and to the uninitiated quite boring, and there on the wall, or on the drum skin, or on a surface that had meaning to all concerned each beat opened a crack that spread beat by beat by beat into the continent of America. You could, in some way dive into the map there. Take a look at some of the tropical, exotic fruits grown by the locals in the spaces between the cities.

I realised afterwards lying in someone's arms that I was not homosexual in the same way that I was able to get my wallet back from some seedy type who had half-inched it at the cafe (I had left it by the till). I mean it is an analogy.

The guys who ran the gigs were punks in their sixties now probably, who were obsessed with urges. There was a bog in their office (I mean in the room of their office) where you could do a shit while you were drinking. Still, they were still mesmerised by the shamanic power of what had called them and was still in this dreamworld making manifest in the gig posters, feedback that could waft you out of grammar, and… I more or less tried to describe this to someone who was there, a mason now sitting on millions and driving hours each week through the childhood countryside to look after parents aged and suffering form strokes. “I get that” he said in English middle-aged managerial style. You get it, do you? That we are going to die and all that we decried subsumed will rise up outside our 4 walls full of appliances in maybe a mist or possibly a night crazed with stars, or snow dashed forest and ripped maps and hearts till you can’t describe it and thusly it disappears.

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[Jan. 17th, 2022|12:32 pm]
Svetdiena "Mirušie bija šādās vecuma grupās: viens cilvēks 40-49 gadu vecumā, viens 60-69 gadu vecumā, divi 70-79 gadu vecumā. Visi četri bijuši vakcinēti."
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fuckin impressive [Jan. 13th, 2022|12:41 pm]
Pēdējo 24h laikā:
16 854 Covid-19 izmeklējumi;
reģistrēti 2566 jauni inficēšanās gadījumi, no tiem 968 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 1598 vakcinēti;

saņemti ziņojumi par 10 mirušajiem (viens cilvēks 60-69 gadu vecumā, viens 70-79 gadu vecumā, seši 80-89 gadu vecumā, divi 90-99 gadu vecumā) no tiem 6 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 4 vakcinēti.
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[Jan. 12th, 2022|02:52 pm]
While chatting to my middle one after training, in the context of the usual tests not being sufficient for getting the QR code so she can play football in an upcoming tournament (you need a special one that costs 40 Euros apparently), she was pondering the bizarre - stultified - attitude of the coded. We played around with the notion that they were traumatised at some level, and it made me think of someone who I know - a highly intelligent broad who took the injection, but whose thinking is hard and sharp enough from being continually battered by real life (karoche, she has to view things from all sides) to enable her to see well-constructed counter arguments. She told me after having contracted 'the virus (after the jab), that despite the light symptoms, there was (a) pressure on the head, and (b) a prolonged period of depression that she found at a - spiritual? - level disconcerting. The body cries, eh?

Okay - no need to take this seriously (woo stuff).
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[Jan. 11th, 2022|12:35 pm]
Beidzot pabeidzu Moby Dick!

Tie raktsnieki tajaa laikaa zinaaja vairaak. Melvillem, piemeeram, bija daudz laika, kuraa vinsh blenza uz juru, lai veidot domas, kas vareetu shkjelt musu/manu uztveri. Pasaule bija iistaaka, varbuut kraasainaaka ... there was, I suppose, an imperative to record at length an evening, an event, or an idea. You couldn't scroll away - satisfied with some superficial glint of a headline, photo, meme, or conjured ideology.

Knapi beidzu to gramatu - laikam arii esmu out of practise
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[Jan. 9th, 2022|06:01 pm]
MALI star Ousmane Coulibaly has suffered a heart attack during a league game in Qatar. The 16-cap international was playing for Al Wakrah during their QNB Stars League clash with Al Rayyan.

Fucking long Covid, eh? Waits all of 2020 and first 3 months of 2021, and then pounces. Gandriiz katru sasosiito dienu. Bet davai - paaski jaunaajiem speeletajiem, ka bez shi briinuma nevar speeleet. 

[Jan. 8th, 2022|11:46 pm]
LFF keep putting pressure on clubs to put pressure on kids/young adults to get injected - season already looks over for my child. Dizzying stupidity: Once again - did this happen at this rate in the 15 or so months of the deadly pandemic without vaccines? During which, I tell you again, top level football was taking place - even my child played the whole season.

Jan 4th

GUATEMALAN star Marcos Menaldo has tragically passed away at the age of 25 after suffering a heart attack in training on Monday.

The Deportivo Marquense defender complained of breathing difficulties during a session while preparing for the new season.

[Jan. 7th, 2022|10:37 am]
Every shot I am out of breath

[Jan. 5th, 2022|09:48 pm]
mazliet tulkoju kaut ko no LV anglju valodaa:

Piano Barrister: Tell me why I can’t do it!
[And now arms rested in a mirror of the repose of the policeman, who has left over right in proprietorial stance - helps him to suffocate his movements - as opposed to the now freer barrister-like repose of the head piano barrister] But why don’t you come to my home and look at the bed where I put her?
[Pause - for the next wave to roll in]
Ah - why then when I’m sleeping with my wife, why don’t you tell me if I can roger her or not?"

Policeman: with implacable pose “Sir, it is very pleasant to entertain yourself when under the influence”

“Very nice, but - [and the point will now be made - you can tell as he conjures the next words from the charge of chaos and intense focus of intent around the OBJECT upon which they share the weight of their elbows] but that is not the essential thing here!”


PB: Excuse me, some blondes are expecting this piano over there.

Man in Crowd [inexpert key basher]: You can’t reproach him - he’s also doing his job.


Woman in Crowd: They are celebrating a birthday.

PB: They can’t manifest accordingly [descent into occulted sounds] because they are afraid. And imagine if they drive into their ‘region’ and they are puked on.

Man in Crowd: They will be hewn off without ceremony.


Man in Chorus [2]: What are the others doing? Those who’ve been let go. As of tomorrow, those who are being sacked? From tomorrow they are being laid off. No more than that - just that. We also have kids, we also have families. People want to eat!

PB: Young man! [to the copper] Imagine if we were VDK - like the KGB, you would all be in Siberia or in the cellar. And if we regain power, you’ll be on your arse [screwed]. Excuse me.”

Man in Crowd: Not all of them

PB: [Conjuring ['con' = 'with' + 'jure' = swear] some emotional force behind his now free arm stabbing the space over the OBJECT] But it is the truth! You’re carrying out your …, but you are not the state of Latvia. We offered a colleague of yours a Latvian flag. Do you want me to be honest with you? He didn’t take it. And now tell me. You have taken an oath - fuck only knows to what state. Latvia! Why don’t you take the Latvian flag in your hand? If you are the state of Latvia.

PB 2: Look he’s got something like a flag on his shoulder.

PB: Well no, well that on his shoulder. He doesn’t have a surname anymore. He’s really lost everything in this life. [Something is happening in the background]


Crowd: Power belongs to the people! Power belongs to the people!

PB: Young people, what are you yelling for? He is not a representative of the state.

MinC: But he is also a human being!

PB: No, he isn’t.

MinC: He is!

PB: Isn’t! [curt - judgement has been passed]

MinC: He is, is, is, he is a human being!

PB: I will tell you one good thing. About the Soviet army.

[only he didn't - they moved forward - oaths were uttered - some fellow's heart gave out and implacable poses became placable - a women said Hi to the bored riot police taking over with professional lack of enthusiasm and more appeals were sent up in the smoke and steam of the freezing air.]
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[Dec. 30th, 2021|12:58 pm]

Citu starpaa:

shodien Pēdējo 24h laikā:
▫️veikti 9826 Covid-19 izmeklējumi;
▫️reģistrēti 1246 jauni inficēšanās gadījumi, no tiem 538 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 708 vakcinēti;
saņemti ziņojumi par 8 mirušajiem (viens cilvēks 50-59 gadu vecumā, viens 60-69 gadu vecumā, viens 70-79 gadu vecumā, trīs 80-89 gadu vecumā, divi 90-99 gadu vecumā) no tiem 4 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 4 vakcinēti.

Interesanti uzzinaat tik daudz no 8 mirušajiem bija Vit D trukums?
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Make it Mandatory! [Dec. 28th, 2021|12:59 pm]
pizgec, kaa straadaa!

Pēdējo 24h laikā: [Dec 27]
▫️veikts 4251 Covid-19 izmeklējums;
▫️reģistrēti 335 jauni inficēšanās gadījumi, no tiem 179 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 156 vakcinēti;

saņemti ziņojumi par 4 mirušajiem (divi cilvēki 60-69 gadu vecumā, viens 70-79 gadu vecumā, viens 80-89 gadu vecumā) no tiem 2 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 2 vakcinēti.

ēdējo 24h laikā: [Dec 28]
▫️veikti 9845 Covid-19 izmeklējumi;
▫️reģistrēti 1186 jauni inficēšanās gadījumi, no tiem 506 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 680 vakcinēti;

saņemti ziņojumi par 22 mirušajiem (trīs cilvēki 50-59 gadu vecumā, pieci 60-69 gadu vecumā, septiņi 70-79 gadu vecumā, pieci 80-89 gadu vecumā, divi 90-99 gadu vecumā) no tiem 13 nevakcinēti vai vakcinācijas kursu nepabeiguši, 9 vakcinēti.

"There may be a moral obligation to augment people, particularly where it promotes wellbeing or protects us from novel threats. It could be argued that treatments involving novel vaccination processes and gene and cell therapies are examples of human augmentation already in the pipeline." - no

[Dec. 26th, 2021|04:42 pm]
23 Dec: OMAN international Mukhaled Al-Raqadi has passed away after collapsing during the warm-up of a domestic top flight match. The Muscat defender reportedly suffered a heart attack ahead of his side’s Omantel league clash with Suwaiq.

24 Dec: Croatian footballer Marin Cacis has tragically died three days after being placed into a coma following his sudden collapse at training with his side NK Nehaj Sinj. After he collapsed during the session, he was immediately rushed to a hospital where the 23-year old was diagnosed with heart failure.

26 Dec: Algerian footballer Sofiane Okar has died after suffering a reported heart attack on the pitch.

Nenotika shaada tempaa 2020 [Dec. 16th, 2021|10:34 pm]
"'We've had this blitz in 2021,' said Prof Sharma, who is head of research and professor of sports cardiology for St George's University in London. 'I can see where you're coming from. It's worrying that there is suddenly a whole load of young men who are supposed to epitomise the healthier segment of our society suddenly crashing with cardiac problems.

'Is there an issue? Are these people being tested properly? Is the game doing it? Is there something in the air to cause an increase? I'm keeping an open mind. My feeling is that this is probably a statistical cluster rather than something on the rise."


"30 minutes into the game against OGC Nice, Terrier bent over and appeared to be struggling to breathe. Medics rushed onto the pitch as the 24-year-old pointed to his chest, in obvious distress. He was taken off the field of play shortly after."

Those fuckers from clubs who pressured 15-year old kids to take this experiment so it would be easier to organise training sessions will pay for this dearly.
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[Dec. 14th, 2021|03:26 pm]
Professor O'blivion
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[Dec. 14th, 2021|01:27 pm]
"A German euthanasia group has said clients must be vaccinated against Covid-19 before they can undergo assisted suicide."
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