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Aug. 6th, 2011|07:57 pm

OK, es nevaru nepiekrist (these double negatives really fuck me up - that means 'I agree')- ja dažreiz neesam tik brīvi, kā mums liekas, tad dažreiz esam brīvāki, (nekā mums liekās). Atbīlde uz to jautājumu par to, kur ir atšķirība starp verdzību un pakļuatību konkrētā ekonomiskā iekartē (derēs?), varētu būt tā, kā tu aprakstīji.

I suppose, however, that the concept of choice could do with a bit more examination. I mean in a sense, you could argue that we always have some choice: even though a slave would have more difficulty in enacting a choice, and the consequences of it would be quite terrible.

I also think (writing in English as I have to vacate the keyboard) our idea of our level of freedom is largely based on our character and what role we take on in certain situations/relationships. There are many of us who feel a heavier sense of responsibility (for perhaps dubious reasons, too) who feel less free than they are/could be. However again, of course, it is their choice to take on this responsibility...

Regarding material subordination in an economic system, I guess favourable bankruptcy laws would help us feel more free. I also still feel I should know far more about the monetary system and the issuance of credit and the creation of debt (they seem to go hand in hand) both at state and individual level. It sometimes appears to me to be a scam through which we pay are paying tribute to those who are closer to the issuance of money.
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