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Oct. 11th, 2010|02:03 pm

I tell him, adding, "I know who you are". He grasps my hand and we shake.
He holds it - then pulls me towards him, into a hug - "it's good to meet
you, Luke". I tell him it's good to see him as I missed him first time
round, as I was small then.

I smell the drink, and sense the medication. It's evident that he's quite
unwell. For an instant I instinctively see myself back at the door of the
nightshelter, with Edwards as a hopeful old favourite on the step.

I tell him I bring regards from my mate in Latvia, and his mate, who are big
fans and wanted to come but couldn't find the time or money. He nods
slowly, thoughtfully, perhaps a touch bewildered or searching for a word -
mouth still agape.

A bit of small talk - he seems keen to cling onto it, expresses a politeness
leaning into eagerness to please.

I then tell him it's especially good to see him tonight, as he's one of the
few people who've written words that I can't read without being
overwhelmed - "and that's really important to have in life". I see him
buckle slightly, and his eyes well up. He reaches for my hand again and
pulls me into a committed embrace, thanking me as he holds me against his
crap blue quilted jacket.
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