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pārāk lielas, lai izgāztos (baby) Jan. 22nd, 2010|10:13 am

"Komisija veicina finanšu un kapitāla tirgus stabilitāti, konkurētspēju un attīstību, kā arī nodrošina ieguldītāju, noguldītāju un apdrošināto personu interešu aizsardzību."

Irēna Krūmane, Finansu un kapitāla tirgus komisijas vadītāja – kredīts aptuveni 336 000 latu, ikmēneša maksājums 17500 lati, algu atteicās nosaukt.

"We all know that the financial sector in the advanced economies brought down the whole global economy. Clearly, we must do whatever we can to stop this from happening again... On one hand, the financial sector is still in bad shape. It will continue to need more capital as asset quality deteriorates. In this environment, imposing tougher standards now could jeopardize the recovery. Do we want to force the patient to exercise before she can even get out of bed?" ( Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, Nov 2009)
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