Jul. 23rd, 2023|07:09 pm |
If you are saying that the censorship of information on mainstream media, the demonisation of those who held views in opposition to those of the experts paraded on mainstream media, and the implementation of policies intended to punish those people who didn't take an injection of which absolutely no criticism was allowed to be aired on mainstream media was all carried out with the best intentions, then I have to say that this assertion is quite something.
Those of us who were following the data saw how inconvenient statistics were brutally removed from official websites. We noticed higher death rates of the vaccinated cohort back in July 2021, and we kept track of the overall mortality in 2021 in Latvia, which was outlier-high than the previous 10 years.
When it comes to the reasons for getting vaccinated, it is quite easy to get a rough idea of who did what and why. About a third of the population couldn't wait. Why? Maybe some of them cared about the old ones, as for the others, maybe they were scared stiff of the virus and absolute (or enough) faith in the experts that they got to see and hear.
As for the other third (approximately), we know they were pressured to do so - either to be able to go to concerts, festivals, and the theatre, or - later - to be able to earn a living. We saw various - I would say selfish(ish) reasons in a social advertising campaign (with the exception of ex-LV football captain's desire to visit his great grandparents).
Other than a short period of time in early 2021, it should have been clear that the vaccines did not stop transmission. Almost every single person I know who was vaccinated got covid - many of them more than once.
And yet what we saw was either active support or passive acceptance of laws that created an underclass in our midst. Personally, I would say I saw this coming in my own circle of friends who shared the following worldview in common:
derision of anyone who was deemed to be in any way anti-scientific or anti-technological progess.
We were in their eyes, too stupid to take what science was offering and therefore deserved our fate (to die of Covid or be excluded from society). I mean I could show you this in social media posts in black and white - from old 'friends'.
This group of people were - in the main - educated, and considered themselves to be (loosely at least) part of a cultural elite. They would listen to Naba (hah hah), read IR and LSM, (for example), and they had no background at all in being (I would say) objectively critical of those who were, basically, 'on their side of things'. This means that they were absolutely unprepared for the psychic assault on our society by groups who I (for example) had some experience of - the big corporations, supranational bodies and movements who have their own agenda. To them it was a risible idea - and probably still is, to be honest. God knows, they probably still don't know how money is created.
This group also had no moral framework strong enough within themselves to kick in when 'the othering' became law.
I'm sorry if that comes across as unpleasant and arrogant. If you want the truth as I see it, there is no other way to put it: You either went along with it, or you didn't. |