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Jul. 25th, 2021|12:17 pm

As Mapats said... but I'd like to say something else. I'm old and presumptuous enough to think I can detect propaganda - especially at the Wartime levels we are currently experiencing it, and - as a result, I am sceptical of both Morgan's and Javid's testimony.

Javid, the new health minister, declared recently that he had tested positive after feeling a bit shitty. This sends a message that the vaccine isn't going to stop the spread of the virus, which means future restrictions and lockdowns may be needed. Our Masters, whoever they may be, love these restrictions as we will do whatever they say to get some of our freedoms back.

Morgan quickly follows this up with his testimony, which is a bit scarier as he states he is more seriously suffering. He, however, blames unvaccinated people for spreading it. I saw about 10 or 20 breaking into the stadium. They may have been more, but they would have been a tiny percentage of the 60,000. The message being given is that we will need stricter policing of these events in order to keep the unvaccinated out as they are to blame.
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