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Jun. 9th, 2021|08:41 pm

The topic of the post was originally one thing and one thing only: coerced vaccination for people not at risk.

Neither you nor I can prove the number of vaccine deaths. The number could be higher, due to doctors not being willing to blame the vaccine (or simply not using the yellow card system at all; or lower, due to people being too quick to blame the vaccine. There was, somewhere, a collation of graphs showing vaccination rates and death rates in each country. From memory, it showed a spike of deaths in many countries following the roll out of mass vaccination programmes. IF those stats are reliable, I would guess that many people 'who would have died anyway' died earlier than they would have done as these vaccines can have a debilitating effect in the short term. But I am speculating.

Re mortality in the UK, it is just over 1% of the population. Sometimes it is higher, sometimes lower. It is higher than the last 5 years, but lower than many years before that.

Latvia didn't have excess mortality in 2020, but it will do in 2021. 2 moths earlier in the year there were over 3,000 deaths a month (which is rare - you sometimes get one month over this figure, but the next one is lower). It's been down to more normal levels for a while now - though last week's figure was quite high for June (about 650). I don't know why there was an increase, of course. I could speculate, but I don't think it would be productive.

What I do know is there is - even during these months of higher than usual mortality, no higher levels of mortality in those under 75. This is the reason I think coerced vaccination of these groups is really solely for the purpose of easing/forcing in if the Covid Pass, which I am, you will have gathered by now, totally against.
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