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Jul. 28th, 2009|07:41 pm

Then you and I are in the same boat (by the way your English is quite astounding - it actually makes me nervous - Please understand that when I switch back to Latvian, it's just out of an obstinate desire to put into practice the little skill I have picked up from the years of falling asleep infront of Latvian grammar tables).

Phoned my mother (cute eh?)to find out about the negative equity situation in the UK (This place I bought in Latvia is the first for me), and she said that the homeless + debt-for-life situation does indeed exist - it's just most people simply file for personal bankruptcy, which is relatively easy in the UK. Maybe this is a potential defence for the likes of us should it (put put) come to that.

Still want to emphasise the moral unfairness of the attack on Public Sector workers - will be meeting M. Hansen on Thursday (he doesn't know yet) and I'll see what he has to say about it - he's recently been sticking the boot in, while wincing I should add.
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