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Re: komenti ir skarbi... Oct. 9th, 2020|12:16 pm

Actually after watching the whole theatre, it seems that - at one level - this whole thing is a carve up agreed by the interested parties. The parasite class who have 15 trillion sitting in zero or negative interest rates can 'help out' now-indebted countries, though they will of course stated the guy from the World Bank (who had at least a sense of humour) need a Return on Investment. The guy from Lufthansa didn't seem too phased - after all most of his competitors would go bankrupt. The birds from the WHO and UN seemed willing to play official front for Big Pharma, and the Media lady was all about combatting the Mis/Disinformation campaign to make sure it all went smoothly.

The nation states seemed to be treated like errant kids (though they must be lent money to remain stable). Rumblings of anti-globalisation/nationalisation were discussed with contempt in the roof of the mouth, and the idea that actual people could be trusted to draw conclusions with free thought seemed too ridiculous a notion to contemplate. The soft talking Yank in the army uniform noted that it was a great opportunity to collect information on how and why these curious homo sapiens arrived at these 'opinions'.

Of course, there was a great need for a central authority, Goes without saying.
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