brookings - August 20th, 2023 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 20th, 2023

[Aug. 20th, 2023|10:06 pm]
Spent the night with booze and family looking at the stars, shooting stars, and satellites. The previous night, Lucifer was short-circuiting herself in the heavens. Blistering the depths of cloud in spasmodic illuminations, while I watched Dunkirk on Tet, telling my daughters that their great ENG grandfathers had been on that beach.

We live as though it was the 70's - playing the guitar and violin with dogs, cats, and chickens - and we listened to Bowie, the same Bowie that was on my old man's pub jukebox when I was 10. The stars are pretty much the same, too. Though, I gather the russkies went to the moon that night, too. Crashed, bled. Should have used the tech from 54 years ago. It was peachy, then, man.

Still can't determine if we are alive. Life is suspiciously beautiful.
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