brookings - November 24th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 24th, 2021

[Nov. 24th, 2021|09:54 am]
Iszkataas, ka veel viens

"I didn't really see the incident, but it looked like he just collapsed without any physical contact around him."

Redzeesiim - maybe he was one of the few who didn't take it but had been eating too much bacon, smoking too much weed, or been suffering from climate change. Maybe it wasn't a heart condition too - maybe something else... maybe.

Anyone keeping score? I looked briefly - we seem to be significantly over average for footy players keeling over, but maybe someone can show me I am wrong. I certainly don't remember anything like this, and I have been following (and once playing) most of my life. Maybe I have more of an eye open now - it is possible, I suppose, I hadn't been paying attention before.

Local football teams here in LV have been telling 15 or 16 year-olds they can't play anymore if they don't receive the injection. We had to fight tooth and nail to defend our child from it. Redzeesim.
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Bla Bla Bla That's Done [Nov. 24th, 2021|11:24 pm]
Tieshi sho dziesmu vinji speeleeja vinja beerees.

A good degree in Welsh
On the Volvo a Tafod Y Ddraig sticker,
Fond of attending tiresome committee meetings
About the future of the language in particular
Mastering a minority language as a hobby
Bilingual plates to help the driving,
A perfectly appropriate attitude
For a home plan straight out of the 'Dinas' st.,
Always going to Brittany
Never going to France,
Always going to the Basque country
Never going to Spain
At night going to restaurants
after a day on the word processor
in a job that pays your mortgage
From a nursery school to the University of Wales
A lifetime ticket on the gravy train
I would rather be a junkie
than be as green as a Plaid Cymru poster.
The set texts of the Cerdd Dant Festival
And all the problems of the two children,
Llinos Wyn's harp lessons
And Llwayarch Clyn's acne problem,
Not forgetting to raise a fuss
About the deadly strain of the husband's job
He has to work from one to three
As a BBC producer
Burn your tongues
on your puritanical cups of tea
Lose your humanity in academic economics
Name your friends who are famous
All of them freemasons
and so on..

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