[Aug. 4th, 2021|12:43 pm] |
"Kamēr visi izbļaustīsies, dabūs savus svarīgos viedokļus un emocijas publiskajā telpā, nogurs, nomierināsies, padomās un lēnām, lēnām, viens pa vienam kaut ko darīs."
while they are forced into precarious working conditions, while they wonder how they are going to put food on the table or stop the bank taking their home away, while they see their and their children's futures become squeezed underfoot, or while they get starved into submission
to take a medical intervention that doesn't even do what it is supposed to: (email from old friend yesterday to go with all the other testimonies: "A few weeks ago I tested positive for covid, as did the whole family. We have had the vaccine, we had mild symptoms and were over it in 3-4 days.") So, they had symptoms - which means they can spread it.
Had the Covid? Got antibodies? Doesn't matter. Don't like it? Go and air your 'important opinions' and come back when you have given in. |