brookings - April 20th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 20th, 2021

Palindromes [Apr. 20th, 2021|10:45 pm]
[music |Silver Apples: Program]

ATTA, open in 2020

Its bright blood-red body manifests when the Sun is set (Osiris (the sun killed by Set (Earth) - they couldn't find his Dick, which you need for sex, or maybe if you are conservatively-fashioned: reproduction). The horns, or antennae, or blood-shot eyes also appear on the head, above a sign announcing its current purpose. Check it out! You don't see it during the daytime. You need to be about at night like I am.

Most famous - and funniest Palindrome is this:

Eve (arī): "Who are you?"
Adam: "Madam, I'm Adam!"

Where did they come from?

Deified ?(atkāl!)

Or DNA? (Palindrome: A segment of double-stranded DNA in which the nucleotide sequence of one strand reads in reverse order to that of the complementary strand.)


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