brookings - March 30th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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March 30th, 2021

No 'The Times' [Mar. 30th, 2021|01:25 pm]
"Britons could have their faces scanned to allow them to access pubs, gigs and sports events under one government-funded plan being drawn up for vaccine passports.

Technology firms with government funding are developing software to allow customers to be scanned when they enter venues and have their coronavirus data checked."

Lieliski! Cik ērti!!

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"kara apstākļos": 30 - 60 [Mar. 30th, 2021|03:09 pm]
Y = Mirušo skaits. X = nedēļas no 2010 - 2021 (Nedēļa 9)

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"kara apstākļos": 60 - 90 + [Mar. 30th, 2021|03:20 pm]
Y = Mirušo skaits. X = nedēļas no 2010 - 2021 (Nedēļa 9)

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