brookings - January 15th, 2021 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 15th, 2021

Shocking Scenes [Jan. 15th, 2021|11:22 pm]

THIS is the moment a huge snowball fight erupts in Leeds as dozens are seen flouting coronavirus lockdown rules.

The shocking footage appears to have been filmed today as a massive crowd of people flocked to Hyde Park in Leeds.

Neighbourhood cops for the Broseley and Much Wenlock areas said going to play in the snow was not a valid reason to be outdoors and could result in a hefty fine.

They wrote on Twitter: "There have been two reports of snowballs being thrown last night between 11 and 11.30pm. This is obviously not a justifiable reason to be out of your house, this behaviour is likely to result in a £200 Fixed Penalty Notice for breaking the lockdown rules."

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